Vibration Basics and Biological Materials

What is Vibration?

Have you ever wondered what vibration is and how it affects our world? In this article, we will delve into the fascinating world of vibration and explore its significance in various aspects of life. From the vibrations that enhance plant growth to the resonance that promotes well-being, we will uncover the scientific principles behind these phenomena.

Vibration, in its simplest form, refers to the rapid back-and-forth movement of an object or particle. It is a fundamental concept in physics and plays a crucial role in understanding the behavior of matter and energy. Everything in the universe, from atoms to planets, is in a constant state of vibration.

Vibration in short

  • Vibration is the rhythmical motion of a body within itself.
  • Vibration is a periodic interchange of state.
  • All force is vibration and so is matter.
  • Vibration is movement. Movement is activity of positive and negative force.
  • Life in its manifestations (incl. mind and matter) is vibration - Courtesy Dale Pond

Energy in short

  • Heat - Radiation - scan body with infrared
  • Energy is not merely defined by Kilojoules
  • Biofield (radiating from fingers)
  • Emotion - is described as energy in motion; Love, Hate, Good, Bad, Anger, Laughter, vibes...
  • Vibration = Sound

 water spiral with copper


Subtle Vibration

One of the intriguing applications of vibration is its impact on plant growth. At Tristella Earth, we offer innovative products like the Resonator Botanical Rods, which harness the power of vibration to enhance plant vitality. These rods emit subtle vibrations that stimulate plant cells, promoting growth and resilience. By understanding the vibrational needs of plants, we can unlock their full potential and create thriving gardens.

Resonance is another fascinating aspect of vibration. It occurs when an object or system vibrates at its natural frequency, resulting in a heightened response. At Tristella Earth, we have developed the Biofield Resonator Pendant, which utilizes the principles of resonance to amplify energy and promote well-being. The body's natural biofield resonates sympathetically to the subtle vibrations that emanate from the pendant, restoring balance and harmony.

Understanding vibration is essential not only in the realm of plants and well-being but also in various scientific disciplines. In physics, vibration is studied to comprehend the behavior of waves, sound, and light. In engineering, it is crucial for designing structures that can withstand vibrations and prevent damage. Even in music, vibration is the foundation of creating harmonious melodies.

Scientists and researchers have made significant advancements in studying vibration and its applications. Through experiments and observations, they have discovered that different frequencies of vibration can have varying effects on matter and living organisms. By harnessing these frequencies, we can optimize our surroundings and enhance our overall well-being.

In conclusion, vibration is a fundamental concept that permeates every aspect of our world. From the growth of plants to the well-being of our bodies, understanding and harnessing vibration can lead to remarkable advancements. At Tristella Earth, we strive to bring you innovative products that utilize the power of vibration to enhance your life. 

Nutrient Absorption - The Vibration of Food and Water


Liquids in the human body have a specific coherent structure. The saliva in the mouth is very coherent and organized as the saliva is the first step of absorption and digestion of liquids and solids into the body. Most liquids and solid foods have a chaotic or disorganized structure when compared to the saliva and other liquids in the human body.

​When a foreign liquid or solid with chaotic structure is exposed to the highly structured saliva and cells of the mouth, the smell and taste buds are stimulated to send messages to the brain. These messages state that the liquids or solids have an acerbic, or tart, residual smell, or taste. When the brain receives the message "acerbic" or "tart", the cells throughout the digestive system go into action in an attempt to create structure in the newly entered liquids or solids that have chaos at the molecular level.

​If the newly entered liquids or solids are not structured, the human cells will struggle to absorb the fluids or solids fully. The unstructured liquids or solids are sloughed off and eliminated through the kidneys or intestine or negatively stored in the body with no benefit to the individual.

 Countless dis-eases and negative health conditions are primarily due to individuals being chronically dehydrated and/or not absorbing critical nutrients because the liquids they drink and the solids they eat are extremely chaotic at the molecular level - they are not being adequately assimilated by the body due to this chaos.


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